Wednesday 19 August 2015

Windows Server 2012 Lab - Part 6 - Finishing up pfSense settings

So far we have successfully installed pfSense (our virtual router), Windows Server 2012 Standard (domain controller). Also we have installed Active Directory Domain Services on the Server 2012.

We have created a new forest called "LABS.LOCAL" in AD as our lab domain.

If you have noticed we have not configured anything in our pfSense web tool.

Lets jump into pfSense web configuration URL and play around a bit with some settings and install the basic setup.

From your server, open Internet Explorer and type the URL: <ENTER>.

Default username: admin (all lower case).
Default password: pfsense (all lower case).

After that we will change the domain name, and check the IP address. Follow through the images below.

As you can see below, the default domain is localdomain. We will change this to our labs domain which is "labs.local".

And I am entering (DC-1) IP address in the primary DNS Server entry.

Choose your time zone and select Next.

We will not configure any of the WAN settings, so skip this page. Scroll down and click Next.

You will be redirected to change your default password. Choose a password of your liking and click Next. After this page, the settings will be applied after pfSense reloads the system. Follow through the images below.

If you find this tutorial helpful or useful follow my blog.

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